HeartLiving Right
Corporate governance is an important foundation for achieving sustainable growth in a business.
C.P. Intertrade Co., Ltd., the International Trading Business Group C.P.Group has implemented a corporate governance system to promote and ensure compliance in the following areas: Corporate Governance Principles, Business Code of Conduct, Policies and ethical best practices, and Supplier Code of Conduct, all of which are related to laws, social norms, and corporate regulations in the value chain.

These principles also respect human rights and labor practices within our organization. We also focus on human capital and leadership development, as well as stakeholder engagement to promote efficiency within our organization. Such activities are crucial to our success and for continually building the level of trust in C.P. Intertrade Co., Ltd., the International Trading Business Group C.P. Group.

CP Intertrade Co., Ltd. and companies in the international trade business group adapted to cope with the rapidly changing technology and innovation in the era of 4.0 regularly. The company has a mission, vision, direction and strategy. To accommodate these changes, focus on the development of capacity and empowerment of “personnel” as The main heart. C.P. Intertrade Co., Ltd. and companies in the international business group Give priority to building the readiness of personnel to cope with various modifications. In the organization to effectively drive the human resource strategy of the company in line with global standards Engage employees at all levels with increasing numbers in order to retain talented personnel to co-exist with the company and become a new generation leader, accumulate experience, learn and grow with the company.

Supporting the SDGs
Quality Education
Increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant financial skills.
Ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development and global citizenship.
Gender Equality
Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making
SDG 17
Partnership for the Goals
Achieve Enhance cooperation and access to science, technology and innovation, and enhance knowledge sharing.
Key Operating Results in 2020
Leader and staff : 1,427 peoples
Trained to develop knowledge and understanding in sustainability andbusiness ethics
Number of leaders : 387 peoples
Participate in a SustainabilityWorkshop In 2020
Target for 2020
100% of leaders and employees pass sustainability awareness training.
Results of 2020 Compared to Target
Achieve Target 2020
  • Number of leaders and
    employees with
    sustainability training
  • Number of leaders in
    sustainability workshop
Leadership Development Training
Human resources development at C.P. Group aims to develop leaders at all levels. With the CPLI at the center, courses are designed to suit the qualifications of all participants. All courses are developed based on real-life applications, focusing on learning through practicing by implementing cross-business and cross-function projects.The projects reinforce trainees to enhance business problem-solving skill and learn from experiencing actual impacts.
Human Resources Management

CP Intertrade believes that our people are the most valuable asset – they are the driving force behind the achievement of our aspirations.This is especially the case today, as CP Intertrade is committed to growing its business and expanding investments globally. There now arises the challenge of creating ‘New Generation Leaders’ who will carry forward the organization’s values, while preparing and developing over 300,000 employees across our diverse businesses with the necessary knowledge and skills, and mindsets to embrace and adapt to changes, as well as to reinforce positive experiences for our employees to be proud for taking a part in CP Intertrade’s success.

Central to this is CP Intertrade ‘Workforce 4.0’ Human Resources Strategy, which is guided by the Six Core Values, digital information, and technology. The strategy consists of five core pillars, and focuses on developing up a new generation of leaders through real-life learning experiences,with the CPLI being central to these efforts. It also focuses on creating a human resources management ecosystem to promote recruitment of ethical and competent individuals, learning from various world-class advisors, career planning and development, and transforming to an ‘agile’ organization to enchance the Group’s adaptability to business changes and changes prompted by generational gaps.
Management training and sustainability policy
development (Sustainability Workshop Program)

The company focuses on communication and knowledge on sustainability at all levels. Through training (Training Workshop) and mentoring (Coaching) to the organization on the development of the organization to an organization with social responsibility (Social Responsibility) through standards both at the national level
(CSR-DIW) and internationally (ISO Standard) Organization development towards an organization with sustainable development according to Sustainable Excellence Mode Elevated Leadership with the use of modern management tools systematically (Systematized Approach) Determine strategies and diversify strategies for sustainability.(Sustainability Strategy Management) Sustainable innovation process which leads to reporting and communication The Company attaches importance to driving sustainability goals. that complies with the SDG Goal guidelines and to create certification and the commitment of the management to do so Communicate to employees at all levels

As a result of the Executive Committee meeting Charoen Pokphand Group (CPG EXCOM) held the CPG 2030 Sustainability Strategy Workshop on Saturday, July 18, 2020. It was honored by
Mr. Supachai Chearavanont and senior executives from all business groups of Charoen Pokphand Group.have jointly considered and and endorsing the Group’s Sustainability Strategy and Goals to 2030, by defining the Group’s Sustainability Strategy to 2030 to drive the sustainability work of the international trade business group. achieve success in accordance with the strategy and Charoen Pokphand Group’s Sustainability Goals The company therefore held a meeting and doing a workshop to set the sustainability goals of the business group with the chairman of the business group, executives and the sustainability management working group Join us in setting goals towards sustainability in 2030 on August 19, 2020 at V- Care Room, Nakhon Luang Rice Factory.


CP Intertrade Co., Ltd. and companies in the international trade business group adapted to cope with the rapidly changing technology and innovation in the era of 4.0 regularly. The company has a mission, vision, direction and strategy. To accommodate these changes, focus on the development of capacity and empowerment of “personnel” as The main heart. C.P. Intertrade Co., Ltd. and companies in the international business group Give priority to building the readiness of personnel to cope with various modifications. In the organization to effectively drive the human resource strategy of the company in line with global standards Engage employees at all levels with increasing numbers in order to retain talented personnel to co-exist with the company and become a new generation leader, accumulate experience, learn and grow with the company.

Supporting the SDGs
Quality Education
Increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant financial skills.
Ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development and global citizenship.
Gender Equality
Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making
SDG 17
Partnership for the Goals
Achieve Enhance cooperation and access to science, technology and innovation, and enhance knowledge sharing.
Key Operating Results in 2020
Leader and staff : 1,427 peoples
Trained to develop knowledge and understanding in sustainability andbusiness ethics
Number of leaders : 387 peoples
Participate in a SustainabilityWorkshop In 2020
Target for 2020
100% of leaders and employees pass sustainability awareness training.
Results of 2020 Compared to Target
Achieve Target 2020
  • Number of leaders and
    employees with
    sustainability training
  • Number of leaders in
    sustainability workshop
Leadership Development Training
Human resources development at C.P. Group aims to develop leaders at all levels. With the CPLI at the center, courses are designed to suit the qualifications of all participants. All courses are developed based on real-life applications, focusing on learning through practicing by implementing cross-business and cross-function projects.The projects reinforce trainees to enhance business problem-solving skill and learn from experiencing actual impacts.
Human Resources Management

CP Intertrade believes that our people are the most valuable asset – they are the driving force behind the achievement of our aspirations.This is especially the case today, as CP Intertrade is committed to growing its business and expanding investments globally. There now arises the challenge of creating ‘New Generation Leaders’ who will carry forward the organization’s values, while preparing and developing over 300,000 employees across our diverse businesses with the necessary knowledge and skills, and mindsets to embrace and adapt to changes, as well as to reinforce positive experiences for our employees to be proud for taking a part in CP Intertrade’s success.

Central to this is CP Intertrade ‘Workforce 4.0’ Human Resources Strategy, which is guided by the Six Core Values, digital information, and technology. The strategy consists of five core pillars, and focuses on developing up a new generation of leaders through real-life learning experiences,with the CPLI being central to these efforts. It also focuses on creating a human resources management ecosystem to promote recruitment of ethical and competent individuals, learning from various world-class advisors, career planning and development, and transforming to an ‘agile’ organization to enchance the Group’s adaptability to business changes and changes prompted by generational gaps.
Management training and sustainability policy
development (Sustainability Workshop Program)

The company focuses on communication and knowledge on sustainability at all levels. Through training (Training Workshop) and mentoring (Coaching) to the organization on the development of the organization to an organization with social responsibility (Social Responsibility) through standards both at the national level
(CSR-DIW) and internationally (ISO Standard) Organization development towards an organization with sustainable development according to Sustainable Excellence Mode Elevated Leadership with the use of modern management tools systematically (Systematized Approach) Determine strategies and diversify strategies for sustainability.(Sustainability Strategy Management) Sustainable innovation process which leads to reporting and communication The Company attaches importance to driving sustainability goals. that complies with the SDG Goal guidelines and to create certification and the commitment of the management to do so Communicate to employees at all levels

As a result of the Executive Committee meeting Charoen Pokphand Group (CPG EXCOM) held the CPG 2030 Sustainability Strategy Workshop on Saturday, July 18, 2020. It was honored by
Mr. Supachai Chearavanont and senior executives from all business groups of Charoen Pokphand Group.have jointly considered and and endorsing the Group’s Sustainability Strategy and Goals to 2030, by defining the Group’s Sustainability Strategy to 2030 to drive the sustainability work of the international trade business group. achieve success in accordance with the strategy and Charoen Pokphand Group’s Sustainability Goals The company therefore held a meeting and doing a workshop to set the sustainability goals of the business group with the chairman of the business group, executives and the sustainability management working group Join us in setting goals towards sustainability in 2030 on August 19, 2020 at V- Care Room, Nakhon Luang Rice Factory.

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